
Is nobility a bird that flies

Free from fierce societal ties?

Or is it a flower that never moves,

That many smell, and never dies?

To say a deed is nobly done,

Was it from a mighty one?

Was it performed by a great king,

A man at arms, or a ruler’s son?

Is nobility only handed down –

Inherited with a golden crown?

Or is it won by the edge of a sword

By deeds that boast of great renown?

Could it be worn like a jewel?

Can it be found in a fool?

Is it only seen in the stately courts

Of the rich, and those who rule?

Is nobility a high-spirited grin

On the brightest faces of our kin?

Could it be suppressed or lost

As something that is wrought within?

Captain of a Sinking Ship, Nobility, and the Song of Yesterday Truth and Fiction

3 poems

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