I want to thank you for finding this website, and for being interested enough to browse these pages. Perhaps, and I hope, you have found enjoyment, education, or some other benefit in my writing. I have been writing fiction from a young age, and have always been one for a good adventure story. Friends and I as children used to play outdoors pretending we were pirates or warriors or adventurers in a far-off land. “Fiction is to the grown man what play is to the child;” so says Robert Louis Stevenson in an essay entitled “A Gossip on Romance”; “it is there that he changes the atmosphere and tenor of his life.” Books which have influenced me range from the fantasies of MacDonald, Tolkien and Le Guin to classic tales from the likes of Kipling, Poe, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, not to mention the oldies such as Homer and Beowulf. As for writing about literature, I owe much to the creative minds of C.S. Lewis, Leland Ryken and others who have found a way to relate the Christian artist to his field. Yet beyond these, and as the foundation for every word I write, I live as an indebted child of God, redeemed by the blood of his Son my Savior. Exploring his creation and honoring him with my pen are my greatest pleasures. I hold a B.A. in English from Providence Christian College and an M.A. in English from the University of Northern Colorado. My family is the church, local and abroad, and I am grateful to be a member in the United Reformed Churches in North America.
Soli Deo Gloria
– Tim Vander Meulen